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5 Signs Drug Treatment Centers are Your Only Hope
It’s hard to see addiction for what it is when its effects continue to influence a person’s perceptions. Making the decision to get needed treatment help also poses a tremendous challenge. Addiction operates as a chronic brain disease that impairs addicts socially, psychologically, physically and spiritually, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine. After….
Treatment of Eating disorder for teens
Eating disorder is particularly seen in the teenagers and mostly in girls as compared to the boys. A person with an eating disorder “typically starves himself” to lose weight. Though the exact cause of this disorder is not clear, this disorder is said to be a combination of various factors like genetics, physiological and social…..
5 Ways Parents Can Prevent Teenage Drinking
Teenage drinking is such a health risk that pediatricians are now being told to screen all teenagers—and even sixth graders—for alcohol use. That new policy from the American Academy of Pediatrics can be a powerful tool for parents to help their children avoid trouble with alcohol. But first, parents need to learn to give teenagers….
New Mexico turns a corner on drunk driving
Kenny Martinez demonstrates blowing into his ignition interlock to start his truck in Santa Fe, N.M. The state once led the nation in alcohol-related crash deaths. But tough measures, including an ignition-interlock requirement for all convicted drunk drivers, are paying off. For the last seven years, Horace, a four-time convicted drunk driver, has lived with….
Prescription Drug Needs Post Drug Treatment
If you or a loved one is recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, the need to take prescription medications for an illness or injury can be both dangerous and scary. You don’t want to become addicted to drugs again and yet you know that you need to take the medication. How can you take….