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Treatment & Detox Guide
Recognizing the signs of alcoholism
Having a glass of wine with dinner every night or drinking a few beers at a ballgame doesn’t mean that you have an alcohol problem – does it? Drinking in moderation – up to one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men – may be no cause….
To help, or at least do no harm
Canada’s Health Minister urgently needs an education in harm reduction. Announcing his intention to shut down Insite, the supervised injection facility serving drug addicts in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, Tony Clement told the House of Commons health committee that “supervised injection is not medicine; it does not heal the person addicted to drugs.” Mr. Clement got….
Homeless alcoholics can’t just quit
Managing alcohol addiction, including free drinks, has worked wonders — and shows why we must treat addictions equally Every day, in the shadow of Parliament Hill, 30 homeless alcoholics are fed, housed and served drinks, each hour on the hour, between early morning and evening. That this “managed alcohol” program run by Ottawa’s Inner City….
Problem drinking ‘hits elderly’
Alcohol misuse in people aged over 60 is becoming a widespread problem, research suggests. A survey for charity Foundation66 found over one in eight (13%) admitted to drinking more following retirement. Of these, one in five (19%) uses alcohol because of depression, and one in eight (13%) drinks to deal with bereavement. The charity is….
Binge drinking injures 500,000 annually
The habit of college students to over-indulge is no youthful prank, say health experts Universities and colleges are “missing the mark” in their fight against binge drinking on campus, which a new study says leads to 500,000 injuries in one year in the U.S. alone. The research suggests that blanket efforts, such as cutting down….