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Sobering facts about teen drinking
Knowledge dispels ignorance. And when it comes to underage drinking and other drug use, we as a society are astonishingly and shamefully ignorant. Efforts by the media and public officials to enlighten residents are critical to breaking this woeful lack of awareness. The sky is falling on our teens and young adults, and there is….
Alcohol a ‘major contributing factor’ in self harm
Alcohol was involved in nearly two thirds of self harm cases which were recorded as part of a pilot programme in the Western Health Trust area. The “Registry of Deliberate Self Harm” recorded almost 2,700 incidents between January 2007 and December 2008. The A&E units of Altnagelvin, Tyrone County and Erne Hospitals took part. The….
Alcohol Treatment Centers: How Can They Help Me?
Are you wondering how alcohol treatment centers can really help you to overcome alcohol addiction? Maybe you have tried to quit drinking before and were able to do it for a while so you think, “I quit before so I could do it again if I REALLY wanted to.” Alcohol treatment centers can help you….
More help could be on way for heavy drinkers
Moves to improve ‘appalling’ services for people with alcohol problems look likely in West Sussex, amid concerns over the impact on hospitals. The West Sussex health overview and scrutiny committee was told a review of the services would follow a new five-year strategic commissioning plan for health services, to be unveiled soon by the West….
Prisons offer little or no support for inmates with alcohol problem
Almost 89% of prisoners with an alcohol problem got no help while behind bars last year, according to figures obtained by The Herald. Despite alcohol being an aggravating factor in more than half of all homicides and much of the violent and anti-social crime which blights Scotland, a tiny proportion of inmates get specialist help….