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Researchers Pinpoint How Smoking Causes Cancer
Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute researchers have pinpointed the protein that can lead to genetic changes that cause lung cancer. Researchers discovered that the production of a protein called FANCD2 is slowed when lung cells are exposed to cigarette smoke. Low levels of FANCD2 leads to DNA damage, triggering cancer. Cigarette smoke curbs….
Scientists Find Genes That Influence Brain Wave Patterns
Scientists have identified new genes and pathways that influence an individual’s typical pattern of brain electrical activity, a trait that may serve as a useful surrogate marker for more genetically complex traits and diseases. One of the genes, for example, was found to be associated with alcoholism. Washington, D.C. – infoZine – A report of….
Monthly Shot Helps Alcoholics From Drinking
A new monthly injection could help keep holiday drinkers on the wagon. David Rosenbloom, a specialist in substance abuse at Boston University School of Public Health, said for people battling alcoholism, holidays pose a strong danger of relapse. “For some it’s the stress of being lonely, for others it’s the stress of being with people,”….
Driving After Binge Drinking More Common Than Believed
Nearly one in eight binge drinkers say they get behind the wheel and drive within two hours of drinking, U.S. government researchers report. The new research adds a timeline and other new information to what’s known about drinking and driving, said study author Dr. Timothy Naimi, a physician with the alcohol team at the U.S…..
Alcoholics' families need support, too
Alcoholics Anonymous is well known as a self-help programme for people who regularly abuse alcohol, now known to be one adult in five. But the despair, confusion and resentment suffered by the alcoholic is invariably felt by their family too. I know this from both sides of the fence: as the child of a drink-dependent….