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Getting drunk shouldn't be normal
We have such a great place to live. We have great schools, good jobs and beautiful lakes and natural resources to enjoy. There’s another distinction, though, we shouldn’t be so proud of: our cultural acceptance of the overconsumption of alcohol. We drink just to get drunk. As a result, we see so much human misery….
Helping a Loved One through Bulimia Treatment and Recovery
Hardships of Bulimia According to the National Eating Disorders Association, bulimia is a serious and potentially life-threatening eating disorder. Bulimia is characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors, which include self-induced vomiting to undo or compensate for the effects of binge eating. Bulimia is a devastating eating disorder that will have numerous negative….
Is Luxury Alcohol Treatment Right for Me?
Are you considering alcohol treatment but can decide if luxury alcohol treatment is right for you? Maybe you’ve heard about luxury alcohol treatment before but figure it’s only for celebrities such as those you see on Celebrity Rehab or you might think that luxury alcohol treatment is reserved for high end attorneys, CEOs of major….
Drinkers Warned About Risk Of ‘Shakes’
People who consume three alcoholic drinks every day double their risk of getting the “shakes” in later life, researchers have found. Essential tremor, a common neurological disorder, affects an estimated 650,000 people in the UK. Although there are a number of factors which can cause the condition including an overactive thyroid and Parkinson’s disease, alcoholics….
Alcohol attitudes
Overconsumption of alcohol has claimed another victim. This case hits close to home because it took the life of a 19-year-old Kansas University student. Autopsy results have not been released, but the father of Jason Wren has cited mounting evidence that a night of excessive drinking cost his son his life. Jason reportedly consumed multiple….