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Treatment & Detox Guide
Study links violence to take-away alcohol
US scientists have shown what they say is a direct link between the number of shops selling alcohol in an area and the violence occurring there. The study was conducted in Cincinnati and considered all types of outlet, including bars and restaurants. The more shops selling alcohol in an area, the scientists say, the more….
Teenage drug addiction
MEET MRINAL from Kanpur. He is 16 years old and has already been to a rehabilitation centre. He started drinking and smoking since he was 13. Meet Manoj and Vijay from Delhi, aged 17. They are famous among their group for throwing big parties with unlimited flow of alcohol and marijuana. These characters have not….
12-Step Treatment Programs and the Spiritual Foundation for Recovery
When Alcoholic’s Anonymous first began in the early 1930s, more than 75% of all addicts who took part in the program actually made a full recovery from their addiction to alcohol. These numbers are actually very high when compared with many of today’s current treatment modalities. Alcoholics Anonymous was the first to coin the 12-step….
Drinking ourselves to death
We’ve all heard the sermons and lectures. It is generally agreed that drinking alcohol – in excess – can be self-damaging. However very few of us know, or even pause to consider – how much is too much? For most of us, the post-party hangovers, scrapes and empty wallets are the only gauge of our….
Can drug addiction be cured?
With the increase in the number of dug addicts, there remains a question like can drug abuse be cured? The good news is that drug addiction can be completely treated and cured. Many of us consider that drug addiction is only prevalent in the low-income groups, or in those who do not have a proper….