Kapolei, Hawaii Treatment Centers
Building 37 Room 141
Kapolei, HI 96707 View Details →
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Alcohol has been excessively commercialised, over-hyped and over-sold. It is treated in the market place as if it were just an ordinary grocery item when, in fact, it is a highly intoxicating recreational drug, argues Doug Sellman. There is little doubt that New Zealand has a serious alcohol problem. Every day we are presented with….
When most people think about the upcoming holidays, they think about friends, family, food and good cheer. But for many people, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are particularly difficult. Financial problems are tough to handle at any time, but they can seem overwhelming during this season of giving. Feelings of loneliness, isolation and….
Detox is basically the short term used for detoxification. It means removing the toxic substances present in your body. Detox also refers to the withdrawal period when an individual’s body returns to homeostasis after using an addictive substance for a long period of time. This is one of the important functions of the kidneys, liver….
Whether you live in Britain, Canada, the U.S. or one of many other countries around the world, alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of preventable death. When people think about alcohol problems, the image of someone with severe drinking problems usually comes to mind. However, one of the interesting facts about alcohol is….
Unfortunately, relapse is a common occurrence after an addict completes treatment for any type of addiction whether it’s an alcohol addiction or a drug addiction. Luckily, even after relapse you can still get back on track with the help of a treatment center. Treatment centers can help you overcome the feelings of defeat that occur….
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