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Treatment & Detox Guide

It's easy to fall off the wagon during the holidays

Holiday time is party time, and no holiday is more associated with the drinking of alcohol than New Year’s Eve. For some people, it is especially difficult to cope with party invitations at this time of year. Those who are newly sober, and trying desperately to resist the temptation to relapse, often wonder how to….

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After combat, citizen soldiers turning to alcohol

National Guard and Reserve combat troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are more likely to develop drinking problems than active-duty soldiers, a new military study suggests. The authors speculate that inadequate preparation for the stress of combat and reduced access to support services at home might be to blame. The study, appearing in today’s Journal of….

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Binge drinking ‘increases risk’ of dementia

More under-65s – and women in particular – will suffer alcohol-related brain damage, say doctors Women are more at risk of dementia through drinking because they metabolise alcohol differently from men. Heavy drinking may be to blame for one in four cases of dementia. Doctors have linked alcohol intake to the development of the brain-wasting….

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Courts Give Some Addicts Chance to Straighten Out

SEATTLE — It was not your usual courtroom scene. For one thing, the judge choked up as he described one woman’s struggle with opiate addiction after her arrest for forging prescriptions. Over the last three years, she had repeatedly missed court-ordered therapy and hearings, and the judge, J. Wesley Saint Clair of the Drug Diversion….

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The Holidays: Challenges and Survival Guide for Sober Alcoholics

Why are the holidays difficult for sober alcoholics? The holidays can be a triggering and challenging time for sober alcoholics, particularly for those in early sobriety. But why? There are a variety of reasons and this time of year can prove to be emotionally charged even for non-alcoholics. The holidays can be bittersweet, in that….

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