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Causes of ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is commonly known as ADHD. ADHD is a form of mental disorder, which is commonly found in small children. The children with ADHD disorder suffer impaired functioning. These children find it difficult to concentrate and are very impulsive, restless and also hyperactive. This can greatly affect their progress at school and….
Drug addiction: 'The true cost often ends in tragic loss of life'
THE death of Perry Fowler should remind us once again that the true cost of drugs does not always end at causing misery and fuelling crime but often ends in the tragic loss of life. It also demonstrates that addiction knows no bounds and that drug misuse is not confined, as many would choose to….
No Drinks for Them
It’s not just partying. Some students are alcoholics. Ask Elizabeth, a student at northwestern University, what the best part of freshman year was and she’ll have one answer: the ease of procuring vodka. She drank wine coolers her senior year of high school, but those were tough to find; once she hit college, all she….
A Look at the Types of Therapy Offered in Drug Treatment Centers
Licensed counselors and therapists work on both an individual and group basis with patients in drug treatment centers. Various types of therapy are offered to help the recovering addiction heal physically, socially, psychologically and emotionally from their addiction and from their past. Although not all types of therapy are effective for every addict and not….
Overeaters Anonymous provides support in fight against compulsion
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. — Facing a dozen strangers seated around a table, the heavyset man with thinning hair put down his coffee and paused before introducing himself: “My name is Christian. And I’m a compulsive overeater.” For the next hour, members of the MetroWest Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous shared personal stories of long-term weight gain and….