to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Delaware Treatment Centers
Delaware AA Meetings
Northern Delaware Intergroup – For help finding Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the Northern Delaware area.
Southern Delaware Intergroup – A comprehensive list of AA meetings taking place throughout Southern Delaware.
Central Delaware Intergroup – Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Central Delaware.
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon groups provide help and support to the families of those suffering from alcoholism. For a complete listing of meetings in the Delaware and Northeast Maryland area, visit AL-Anon Delaware.
Mental Health Services
The Delaware Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services provides access to local mental health services, treatment and support.
Rockford Center
Delaware Guidance Services-Children
MeadowWood Behavioral Health
Anonymous Groups
Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Delaware.
Cocaine Anonymous meetings for those in recovery from cocaine addiction.
Delware Council on Gambling Problems offers help to compulsive gamblers.
Diamond State Overeaters Anonymous offers hope and help to those who suffer from eating disorders.
Delaware Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 422-0429
Gamblers Anonymous – Delware – call (800) 464-4357
Kent / Sussex Mobile Crisis Unit – call 800-345-6785
New Castle CMHC Mobile Crisis Intervention Service – call 800-652-2929
Treatment & Detox Guide
When teens go on a binge drinking episode, they may be doing serious damage to the sensitive “white matter” in their brain, a new MRI-based study suggests. White matter is involved in relaying information between brain cells, the researchers said. This means that damage caused to the developing brain by bouts of heavy drinking could….
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Alcohol addiction is the most common type of addiction, which has spread across the world and the number of population under alcohol addiction is increasing at an alarming rate. The habit of drinking alcohol is very fatal and therefore it needs to be timely restrained. There are various long term and short-term effects of alcohol….
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Alcohol addiction refers to a compulsive need for the intake of a liquid that is derived from a fermented fruit or a grain. These liquids are wine, beer, rum, etc. you can label a person as alcohol addicted when he craves for alcohol and is unable to limit his drinking. The craving for alcohol is….
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A few sips of wine may be good for your heart, but alcohol-related disease and accidents take a life every 15 seconds according to research from the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Problem is, few people stop at one drink. Researchers found that disorders linked to drinking wine, beer, whiskey, mixed drinks, etc….
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A recent report into alcohol and older people has suggested that our growing aging population, and its often increasing dependency on alcohol, could be a “demographic time bomb”. Specialists in health and older people at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh are calling for particular attention to be paid to problems associated with drinking in later life…..
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