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Genetics: Why Some Drinkers Feel Effects Of Alcohol Strongly, And Why Some Are Prone To Alcohol Abuse
Researchers at the UCSF Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center have identified a region on the human genome that appears to determine how strongly drinkers feel the effects of alcohol and thus how prone they are to alcohol abuse. The researchers found that a DNA sequence variation, known as a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), on….
Understanding the Treatments for Anorexia
According to the world renowned Mayo Clinic the definition of Anorexia Nervosa (Anorexia) is: “an eating disorder that causes people to obsess about their weight and the food they eat” (Mayo Definition). Anorexia can cause unrealistic expectations of body type and a distorted view of body image, causing Anorexia suffers to starve themselves trying to….
Relapse Prevention Therapy Steps
Relapse prevention therapy is a type of therapy that aims at helping the recovering addict to cope with stressors that could potentially cause them to relapse. While relapse is a common occurrence for many addicts, relapse prevention therapy )RPT) can greatly reduce the chances of a relapse occurring because the recovering addict is already armed….
Sight damaged by too much beer
Knocking back four beers a day doesn’t just risk a serious beer gut – it could also be damaging your eyesight, a study of Australian men has found. Melbourne research shows men in their 60s who drink alcohol heavily are about six times more likely to develop the most debilitating form of age-related macular degeneration….
It's cruel reality TV, and the price of failure is terrifying
In the real world, there is no such thing as a typical addict. Never forget there’s a story behind each person falling prey to the demon rum or drugs or any other of the known vices. Once the benders blur together and substance abuse takes over someone’s life, the addiction becomes a social problem –….