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Treatment & Detox Guide
Drunkorexia: Drinking And Not Eating
Not eating before drinking alcohol is something young people have been doing for years but now there’s a slang term for it — drunkorexia. College campus health facilities are starting to take a closer look at the problem and how to curb the dangerous fad. “‘Oh I’m going to drink my dinner tonight,’ is a….
Advantages of Private Drug Treatment Centers
There are all types of treatment centers available and they each have their own benefits. Private drug treatment centers have the primary advantages of being private, providing luxury amenities, and being located in some of the best locations of the world. If you’re not sure what private drug treatment centers really have to offer, consider….
Understanding Why Long Term Addiction Treatment is Recommended
Research suggests that people who attend long term addiction treatment are more likely to succeed in their recovery and to have a reduced chance of relapse following treatment. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “treatment approaches and individual programs continue to evolve and diversify, and many programs today do not fit neatly into….
New Mexico turns a corner on drunk driving
Kenny Martinez demonstrates blowing into his ignition interlock to start his truck in Santa Fe, N.M. The state once led the nation in alcohol-related crash deaths. But tough measures, including an ignition-interlock requirement for all convicted drunk drivers, are paying off. For the last seven years, Horace, a four-time convicted drunk driver, has lived with….
Mom. Businesswoman. Alcoholic.
A mother climbs out of the depths of addiction She stood on the sidelines amid the blankets and camp chairs, a petite, brown-haired woman in a monogrammed polo shirt, cheering as her 7-year-old son sprinted down the soccer field. At halftime, she stepped up with a water bottle and pep talk. And after the game….