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Drinking to death, one glass at a time
Middle-Aged drinkers are consuming alcohol at unprecedented levels, with many unaware their “social” drinking is killing them. Using increased stress as a justification for a tipple, many are downing more than three standard (100ml wine, 280ml beer) drinks each day, which can more than double their risk of diseases such as liver cirrhosis and heart….
Drinkers "zone out," but may not know it
Even a modest amount of alcohol can make the mind prone to wandering, but drinkers may be slow to notice it, a new study suggests. Researchers found that when they had a group of men read “War and Peace” after either an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, those who’d imbibed were markedly more prone to zoning….
Things to Avoid When Choosing the Right Treatment Center
The decision to seek treatment is a tough decision to make but the challenge doesn’t end there. Once you have opted to seek help there are a number of challenges that surround you such as trying to find the best type of treatment and choosing between various treatment centers that provide a range of services….
When alcohol is the problem in your relationship
What is it about this type of drink that causes people to become attached to it? What is it about alcohol that is so much more difficult to handle than say tea or milk? Could it possibly be that there is the huge possibility of an addiction coming to the surface; an addiction that even….
Alarm over the child drinkers with liver disease
Shops and supermarkets could face new legal curbs on the sale of cut-price alcohol in an attempt to control rising levels of under-age and binge drinking. An audit commissioned by the Home Office has found widespread abuse by drinks retailers of voluntary codes of practice intended to prevent alcohol abuse. The conclusion of the study,….