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Treatment & Detox Guide
10 ways to detoxify your body
It is necessary to detox your body if start feeling sluggish, have aches, pains, skin and digestive problems and start straying from your healthier health habits. Below given are 10 ways to detoxify your body. Firstly, it is recommended to eat plenty of foods that contain fiber. This includes foods like brown rice, fresh fruits….
FTC, Florida Attorney General Charge Promoters of Bogus Alcohol Cure
The Federal Trade Commission is suing a company that touted a phony cure for alcoholism, charging that it tricked hundreds of problem drinkers into paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for a service prescribing ineffective concoctions of natural supplements, and then threatened to reveal the drinkers’ alcohol problems if they canceled their memberships. Filed jointly….
New Mexico turns a corner on drunk driving
Kenny Martinez demonstrates blowing into his ignition interlock to start his truck in Santa Fe, N.M. The state once led the nation in alcohol-related crash deaths. But tough measures, including an ignition-interlock requirement for all convicted drunk drivers, are paying off. For the last seven years, Horace, a four-time convicted drunk driver, has lived with….
Cabbie reveals binge-drinking nightmare
Adelaide cabbie Avel Aretas reveals in this graphic account our city’s binge drinking nightmare: Adelaide is the Festival City, but there is one event we should not be proud of – the Adelaide Binge Drinking Festival. It is held every Friday and Saturday night and doesn’t discriminate, involving everyone from 12-year-olds to 60-year-olds, from the….
Children drinking more than adult safe levels, official figures show
Children as young as 11 are drinking two bottles of wine a week – more than the recommended limit for an adult woman – official figures reveal. The data, based on surveys of over 23,000 children in England, showed boys drank more than girls in almost all regions Children in the north of the country….