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Treatment & Detox Guide
Psychiatrists call for total ban on alcohol advertising
A GROUP of psychiatrists has called for a complete ban on all alcohol advertising and sponsorship in Ireland. Irish teenagers spent €145 million in 2006 on alcohol, more than the entire annual spend on illegal drugs, according to psychiatrist Dr Bobby Smyth from the Irish College of Psychiatrists, a representative body for Irish psychiatrists. Dr….
Outpatient Versus Inpatient Drug Treatment Centers
Are you wondering if you should seek outpatient treatment rather than inpatient treatment? There are many factors that you must consider when you begin searching for treatment centers such as the level of your addiction, the level of support that you have at home, and also the type of addiction that you suffer from. If….
Higher drinking age reduces binge drinking
A study has revealed that there has been a substantial reduction in binge drinking among people of all ages, except college students, ever since the national drinking age in America was set at 21 about two decades ago. The research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis also found that the rates of….
Remember all the risks of binge drinking
Drinking heavily is not uncommon in Pullman. Whether it’s because of our age, peer pressure or some other reason straight out of the D.A.R.E. program, it happens. And while I’m sure you’re well aware drinking too much equals a hospital visit, there are a slew of other issues you should be aware of before going….
Is alcoholism a problem of the poor?
The government’s fierce war against alcohol has taken a different dimension. When they started, the government said alcohol drinking was a vice that perpetuates social moral turpitude. That was then, but now they have raised the pitch, zoning in on the face of poverty, a feature that continues to define a significant section of our….