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Treatment & Detox Guide
Affordable Alcohol Treatment Options
Many people who are addicted to alcohol or who suffer from alcohol abuse do not seek help simply because they cannot find an affordable treatment option that works for them. This is very sad news because studies show that more than 90% of those who suffer from substance abuse will never get the help that….
Parents, Be Aware of the Signs of Teenage Alcohol Abuse this Back to School Season
For parents who are looking for signs of teens drinking this back to school season, there is a reason for your concern, as the use of alcohol by underage individuals is, according to the NIAAA, “widespread.” “In 2009, about 10.4 million young people between the ages of 12 and 20 drank more than ‘just a….
‘Tis the season for an intervention?
The upcoming holiday season can be particularly stressful if you’ll be spending time with a loved one addicted to alcohol or other drugs. You might feel conflicted about family celebrations; holiday gatherings are supposed to be happy times, but yours don’t look like what you see on television. Should you ignore your loved one’s addiction….
Tide turns in favour of drug reform
One hundred years ago, the US convened the International Opium Conference. This meeting of 13 nations in Shanghai was the beginning of global drug prohibition. Prohibition slowly became one of the most universally applied policies in the world. But a century on, international support for this blanket drug policy is slowly but inexorably unravelling. In….
Choosing the Right Drug Treatment Center
When you’re addicted to drugs, finding and choosing the right drug treatment center may be not only difficult it could be a challenge that you cannot even begin to fathom. Drug addiction takes everything out of you and is physically, emotionally, spiritually and even financially exhausting. Choosing the right drug treatment center is not only….