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Treatment & Detox Guide
Who Needs Crystal Meth Treatment?
One of the fastest growing drug problems and also one of the most dangerous epidemics in the United States is the use of crystal meth. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive street drug that was once only found to be prevalent in rural areas but can now be found dominating thousands of US cities and towns,….
Why Obama Isn’t Funding Needle Exchange Programs
Buried on page 795 of President Obama’s budget, released last Thursday, is a paragraph banning the federal funding of needle-exchange programs for drug addicts — an apparent about-face on his campaign promise to overturn that longstanding ban. To the further consternation of AIDS and addiction activists, a statement of support for needle exchange was recently….
You Can’t Help an Alcoholic Until They’re Ready – Right?
For many years people, treatment professionals, family members and the like have all believed that in order for an alcoholic to recover from the alcoholism they have to WANT to recover. It’s been believed that you can’t help an alcoholic until they are ready to accept the help – right? This statement couldn’t be further from the….
Alcohol-free weekend raises awareness
Those who decide to give up alcohol this Easter weekend won’t necessarily be doing so because of holiday tradition. For those involved in the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, it will represent an effort to raise awareness of alcohol disease. The three-day challenge, always the first weekend of April, kicks off the 23rd….
Overeaters Anonymous provides support in fight against compulsion
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. — Facing a dozen strangers seated around a table, the heavyset man with thinning hair put down his coffee and paused before introducing himself: “My name is Christian. And I’m a compulsive overeater.” For the next hour, members of the MetroWest Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous shared personal stories of long-term weight gain and….