Veterans Affairs Medical Center Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
500 West Fort Street
Building 114
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 422-1145
Intake: (208) 422-1145x0
Who Answers?
500 West Fort Street
Building 114
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 422-1145
Intake: (208) 422-1145x0
Getting a loved one to seek help and accept treatment for a drug addiction can be all but an easy task to complete, especially when the addict thinks that there “isn’t anything wrong.” It’s the telltale sign, the always heard excuse of an addict—there’s nothing wrong, they aren’t addicted, they don’t NEED help, etc. So….
The lawless drinking culture prevalent among young New Zealanders could see a re-write of the liquor laws. The Law Commission published a report Thursday that recommends ways to minimize the harm caused by excessive alcohol consumption. The Law Commission is an independent government entity in New Zealand that reviews laws and recommends reforms and new….
If you think you drink too much, and you are not content with that, then you need to take action. Nobody can force you to reduce your alcohol intake, or make you seek professional help. The only person who can take responsibility for your drinking is YOU. No one else can change your lifestyle, but….
At one point during her quarter-century as an alcoholic, Carol Colleran would down at least 10 beers each weeknight, more on weekends. Then she would show up the next morning at her job in hospital management, feeling fuzzy and lousy. But she would cheerfully wander the halls greeting people — “It felt a lot better….
Since she had her first drink at the age of 13, Tanya has battled with alcoholism. Now teetotal, she describes with searing honesty her love-hate relationship with the bottle over the past 22 years – and why she firmly believes that her addiction is a genetic predisposition I am sitting in a room in a….
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