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How Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers Treat Alcoholism
In 2006, excess alcohol use accounted for an estimated 80,000 deaths making alcoholism the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For each of these deaths, researchers estimate an average of 30 years of potential life lost per death due to excess alcohol….
Alcohol portrayals in films and advertisements make people drink more
New research has shown for the first time that portrayals of alcohol in films and TV advertisements have an immediate effect on the amount of alcohol that people drink. The research, published online in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, found that people who watched films and commercials in which alcohol drinking featured prominently immediately reached….
Treatment Rates Increase for those Addicted to Benzodiazepines & Narcotic Painkillers
A recent survey found that the number of people who have entered treatment for addiction to benzos such as Valium and Xanax as well as narcotic painkillers such as Oxycodone has increased more than 500% in the past ten years. The overall increase in substance abuse treatment admissions during this period of time was just….
Teen drug rehabilitation and its importance
Drug addiction is a fatal practice spreading among the teenagers worldwide. The drug addiction is ruining the future on any addict and contributing to the destruction of the morale of the society. Therefore, it is very necessary to undertake the teen drug rehabilitation and its importance needs to be spread among the people, making them….
Parent notification policies for underage drinking evolve
For years, Virginia Tech had a complicated system for deciding when to let parents know about their underage children’s alcohol-related transgressions. Visits to the hospital or police station warranted immediate notification, but Mom and Dad didn’t have to know about less-serious offenses, such as sneaking a six-pack into the dorm, unless it happened more than….