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Treatment & Detox Guide
Teenager with ADHD
ADHD mostly affects small children. However, many times it does happen that children with ADHD do suffer from this disorder even in their teenage. Therefore, though children suffering from ADHD successfully navigate from school years if properly treated, the child with ADHD, when enters his teenage needs to be again re-evaluated for this disorder. And….
Alcohol detox
Alcohol detox implies the removal of alcohol from the body of an alcoholic. The alcohol detox programs are known to be very effective when people sincerely want to get rid of the drinking habit. While discussing about alcohol detox, it is important to know the connection between alcohol withdrawal and alcohol detox. Withdrawal is result….
Warning over early exposure to alcohol
Giving children alcohol at an early age increases their risk of becoming drink-dependent at a later stage in life, according to new research. The claim challenges the long-held notion that introducing children to alcohol in small measures over time may prevent teenage binge drinking. The new study, by the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse….
Over-age drinking
December is the booziest month of the year, as Canadians increase their alcohol intake by about 35 per cent. That’s a lot of eggnog. That puts us even higher than the Italians, who drink about 30 per cent more than their monthly average in December, according to figures from a British think tank. At least….
Reducing blood alcohol limit to 0.02 won’t stop car crashes, say experts
THE Queensland Government’s proposal to see the alcohol limit cut to 0.02 across Australia has been labelled as “nonsense” by alcohol and accident experts. Motoring groups, police, accident research centres and hotelliers all rejected moves to slash the drink-driving limit outlined in a Queensland Government discussion paper released yesterday, arguing it would make little difference….