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Bill offers zero tolerance for bus drivers with alcohol
A Senate committee gave unanimous approval Friday to a bill that would prohibit school bus drivers from having any alcohol in their bodies — or in their possession. Senators questioned whether the language in the bill, sponsored by Del. Ben Cline, R-Rockbridge County, actually would prohibit transporting children after just one drink. They decided it….
5 Things You’ll Learn in Drug Treatment
When you first walk into a drug treatment center you’ll have a lot of questions and there will likely be some apprehensions. You want to know what to expect and you want to know that drug treatment is going to be safe and effective. You’ll learn a lot of new things over the course of….
Prescription Drug Abuse Threatens Availability of Pain Medication
Take a look in your medicine cabinet — do you spot prescription pain medication? If so, are you contributing to the nation’s dramatic increase in irresponsible prescription drug use? According to the 2008 National Drug Control Strategies Report, 71 percent of prescription pain medication abusers obtained the drugs from family and friends. Among 12- to….
Ian Oliver: Legalising drugs would only make matters worse
Recently, A great deal of media attention has been focused on a call for the legalisation of drugs by a former civil servant who was responsible for the Cabinet’s anti-drug unit. In The Independent last week, Julian Critchley said that legalisation would be “less harmful than the current strategy” and that an “overwhelming majority of….
Enterhealth Introduces Advanced Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Treatment, Opens Life Recovery Center Enterhealth’s program includes continuous online support Dallas, Texas – A new, advanced approach to treating alcohol and drug addiction will become available next week to a nation- and world-wide clientele with the opening of the Enterhealth Life Recovery Center, located near Dallas…..