Texas NeuroRehab Center Texas Star Recovery Hospital
1106 West Dittmar Street
Austin, TX 78745
(512) 444-4835x693
Intakes: (800) 252-5151
Who Answers?
1106 West Dittmar Street
Austin, TX 78745
(512) 444-4835x693
Intakes: (800) 252-5151
Alcohol treatment is necessary for those who are dependent on and abusing alcohol. Those who become dependent on alcohol are called alcoholics, and they need to be treated formally in a detox or rehab facility. Why is alcohol treatment necessary? Alcohol Withdrawal First and foremost, alcohol withdrawal can be extremely dangerous. As stated by the….
Detox is basically the short term used for detoxification. It means removing the toxic substances present in your body. Detox also refers to the withdrawal period when an individual’s body returns to homeostasis after using an addictive substance for a long period of time. This is one of the important functions of the kidneys, liver….
Depression can actually impair an individual’s overall ability to function in their day to day lives, and can result in that individual feeling as if taking their life is the only way to escape the emotions of despair that are experienced. Depression is an issue that affects millions of individuals around the world. This is….
It Tells You something about the novelty of a French debate about “le binge drinking” that an equivalent French term has yet to enter into common usage and that whenever the media broach it, they feel obliged first to explain to people what exactly it is. They’ve been doing a lot of explaining lately. According….
There are many emotions that we face, in our everyday life. Some situations make us happy, while some make us sad. People with bi-polar disorder, are extremely affected by these emotions. Bi-polar disorder is also known as the maniac depression or maniac depressive illness and as the name suggests this disorder involves striking mood shifts…..
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