Tamarack Treatment and Counseling Ctr
413 Church Street
Unit C
Sandpoint, ID 83864
(208) 263-5551
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413 Church Street
Unit C
Sandpoint, ID 83864
(208) 263-5551
Whether drinking alcohol helps or hurts your chances of avoiding heart disease and stroke may depend on your gender as well as how much you imbibe, a new study finds. The report, which appears online July 11 in the journal Stroke, looked at the drinking habits and lifestyles of more than 80,000 Japanese men and….
A school governor has called for a ban on parents drinking alcohol while waiting to pick up their children outside school. Arthur Mitchell, chairman of Doncaster Road Primary School’s board of governors in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, said a street drinking ban had been proposed after police received reports that parents had been seen drinking at….
At one time, Randy and Kim Cox had no idea they’d be dedicating their lives to a program like Rivers of Hope Ministries. They were missionaries based in Russia for 10 years before returning to the States, where they spent time both in Randy’s native Texas and Kim’s hometown of Prattville. In Russia, a country….
Have you ever wondered what will happen if you don’t get help for a drug addiction? What is the true cost of not going into drug treatment when you suffer from addiction? Unfortunately, the cost of NOT going into drug treatment is significantly higher than the cost of getting help when you need it. While….
When I attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, I speak of my “experience, strength and hope.” As an alcoholic in recovery, I carry that message to others as part of the 12-step program I work in AA. This week, I listened to other voices, both younger and older, carry the message, too, from as near as….
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