T W Neumann and Associates
720 Rodman Avenue
Portsmouth, VA 23707
(757) 393-9611
Who Answers?
720 Rodman Avenue
Portsmouth, VA 23707
(757) 393-9611
If you are addicted to alcohol and you are considering alcohol treatment as a means of getting well then you will want to consider all of your options. There are many different types of alcohol treatment centers that provide a range of treatment options for individuals who suffer from mild to moderate or even very….
Enterhealth Introduces Advanced Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Treatment, Opens Life Recovery Center Enterhealth’s program includes continuous online support Dallas, Texas – A new, advanced approach to treating alcohol and drug addiction will become available next week to a nation- and world-wide clientele with the opening of the Enterhealth Life Recovery Center, located near Dallas…..
Montana’s culture of drinking and driving isn’t going to change overnight, but with enough clear-eyed determination and statewide support, we can get started down the road that will lead us there. By now it should be apparent to every resident that Montana needs to change its relationship with alcohol. Incredibly, there are still a lot….
They’re sweet like sodas, but pack the kick of caffeine. They also contain from 5 to 12 percent alcohol. And they are hard to tell apart from energy drinks. But they’re alcohol energy drinks, an emerging problem with young people nationally as well as locally, Dr. Charles McCart, a Mercy Medical Center emergency room doctor,….
The rate of Army soldiers enrolled in treatment programs for alcohol dependency or abuse has nearly doubled since 2003 — a sign of the growing stress of repeated deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Army statistics and interviews. Soldiers diagnosed by Army substance abuse counselors with alcoholism or alcohol abuse, such as binge drinking,….
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