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Drug addiction
Drug addiction is process of repeated drug use, rising craving of drugs and then state occurs where person cannot control this craving for drugs. This craving for drugs generally results in the seeking and use of drugs. This repeated use of drugs affects behavior of that person within the family and society. The physical symptoms….
Alcohol exacts damage on the body
The negative effects alcohol has on the human body are consistently predictable regardless of use pattern. There is no cell in the body that is resistant to alcohol. The first organ is the stomach where without food, alcohol is readily absorbed into the blood stream. It requires no digestion. Alcohol irritates the stomach causing stomach….
Keep alcohol intake under control
When most people think about the upcoming holidays, they think about friends, family, food and good cheer. But for many people, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are particularly difficult. Financial problems are tough to handle at any time, but they can seem overwhelming during this season of giving. Feelings of loneliness, isolation and….
More American women dependent on alcohol: study
Los Angeles, May 10: Alcohol dependence has increased substantially among American women, particularly white and Hispanic women born since 1945, a new study shows. Alcohol use and dependence appear to have remained stable for men, while young Americans report having more lifetime alcohol problems than older Americans, despite having had less time to develop issues….
Private Addiction Treatment: Your Best Value
You may think that private addiction treatment is too expensive, that you can’t afford it or that it can’t possibly be that much better than a similar public treatment program but do you know the true value of private addiction treatment? Do you know that private addiction treatment is your best chance at getting the….