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Starving for alcohol, bingeing on booze
A potentially new form of an eating disorder has people cutting calories to enjoy alcohol without the weight gain. Summer has arrived. As students diet and exercise to get into swimsuit shape, an extension of an eating disorder called drunkorexia makes headlines. Drunkorexia, a non-medical term, was coined by the media. It refers to “people….
Staying sober: Recovery is a daily struggle for those trying to kick alcohol addiction.
Drinking is a rite of passage for the typical college student. Pat doesn’t know what normal is, so he drinks to try to feel that way. He struggles with sobriety every day. This is his third try and he hopes it will work this time. His relationship with alcohol began when the drinking age was….
What are the Best Alcohol Treatment Centers for Women?
More than 23.5 million people in the United States have had a problem with drugs or alcohol. Seven percent of those people are women. The United States has tens of thousands of facilities that are equipped to take care of the treatment needs of these women. When so many facilities are open and available to….
Hells Angel Finds God at the Bottom of Bottle of Booze
Former Hells Angel Richie Kane, 52, says he found God after bottoming out on alcohol and now has a second chance at life. For most of his years, Richie Kane struggled through a living hell of physical and sexual abuse, alcoholism and membership in one of the most notorious gangs in the country. But now….
Alcohol and nicotine — an addictive link
Before you take your next drink or smoke that cigarette, consider this: alcohol and tobacco are among the top causes of preventable deaths in the United States. It’s not surprising that these substances are often used together. In fact, the results of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on….