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Alcohol on TV 'prompts drinking'
People are more likely to turn to alcohol while watching TV if they see drinking being portrayed in films or adverts, a study shows. The research, led by a team from Radboud University in the Netherlands, monitored the behaviour of 80 young people while they watched television. Researchers found those who saw lots of alcohol….
What to Expect at Eating Disorder Treatment Centers
About Eating Disorders and Treatment Most eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia revolve around a person’s distorted body image of their self. People who have eating disorders commonly feel as though they are not attractive or need to lose weight, even if they are extremely below weight. Eating disorders can cause numerous health complications….
Substance Abuse and Mental Illness – Current Statistics
It is a long-observed conclusion that many people with substance abuse problems also have mental health issues. The debate often rests on whether or not one causes the other and if treatment of one can make the other disappear. This can be a heated topic, as some experts insist on treating both as co-occurring disorders,….
No healthy alcohol
Beware of claims that alcohol is good for you, especially if you are a minor, according to Staff Sgt. Douglas Perry of the Virginia National Guard. During the “Safe Schools/Safe Communities” program at Martinsville High School on Wednesday night, Perry, who is with the Guard’s Counterdrug Task Force, recalled hearing news reports of how having….
Binge Drinking Clogs Arteries With Plaque
The specific pathway through which binge drinking contributes to clogged arteries has been identified by University of Rochester Medical Center researchers. Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which is mostly converted into acetaldehyde. The Rochester team found that binge drinking-related levels of acetaldehyde make immune cells called monocyctes more likely to stick to blood vessel walls and….