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Introducing kids to alcohol can lead to binge drinking later in life
Researcher Caitlin Abar of the Prevention Research and Methodology Center at Pennsylvania State University suggested that parents enforce a zero-tolerance policy in the home. She also said that there is no scientific evidence to support the belief that prohibiting alcohol turns it into a “forbidden fruit” and encourages abuse. In an effort to see whether….
Statistics show youths are drinking earlier
When Saratoga County sheriff’s deputies broke up an underage drinking party in Ballston last month and charged 22 area teens with possession of alcohol, reactions varied. Some thought the kids got a bum deal. Many, however, agreed the community as a whole needs to remain proactive in stemming teen drinking. Statistics show youths are starting….
Center will study effects of alcohol on brain
UNM was given $2.5 million this semester to start one of the nation’s first fetal alcohol research centers. The program is funded by a five-year grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The New Mexico Alcohol Research Center will look at the effects of alcohol on the brain. Dr. Daniel Savage, who….
Help Young Adults Manage Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has awarded Saint Louis University a grant to develop and test a new program to help older children and young adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The impetus of the program will be to improve transition into adulthood. The new program will focus on teaching important life skills,….
Recognizing Addiction Signs Early
If you are concerned that a loved one may have a drinking problem or a problem with substance abuse, you’re not alone. Recognizing the warning signs of drug or alcohol abuse early on can make a major difference when it comes to the length of time that it takes for the user to get well….