Serenity Home Inc Primary Residential Treatment Center
316 Bridgewater Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 371-3059
Who Answers?
316 Bridgewater Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 371-3059
If you or a loved one is recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, the need to take prescription medications for an illness or injury can be both dangerous and scary. You don’t want to become addicted to drugs again and yet you know that you need to take the medication. How can you take….
Los Angeles, May 10: Alcohol dependence has increased substantially among American women, particularly white and Hispanic women born since 1945, a new study shows. Alcohol use and dependence appear to have remained stable for men, while young Americans report having more lifetime alcohol problems than older Americans, despite having had less time to develop issues….
There are new and innovative methods to better understand the risk factors for and improve earlier detection of pancreatic cancer. Specifically, researchers can demonstrate that the development of, new biomarkers, novel treatment targets, innovative approaches to screening and surveillance and improved understanding of risk factors can lead to diagnosis of pancreatic cancer at earlier more….
Sorry to break the news but you may have a problem with alcohol. Even if you’re pretty sure you’re not an alcoholic you’d better think again about your drinking if you answer Yes to just one of the following questions. Do you ever worry that you tend to drink too much? Have any of your friends….
Giving children alcohol at an early age increases their risk of becoming drink-dependent at a later stage in life, according to new research. The claim challenges the long-held notion that introducing children to alcohol in small measures over time may prevent teenage binge drinking. The new study, by the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse….
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