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Teen drinking not going away
Four ordinary kids sat around a table at a local youth center after being posed one simple question. It was the question asked of many in the under-21 crowd, and they gave the same answer given by a majority of their peers. “I drink. I’m not going to lie,” said a 16-year-old. It’s the same….
Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse: What are the Risks?
There are many risks involved with underage drinking. Possibly the scariest is the lack of understanding about alcohol and what it does to the body. Underage drinkers have no concept of the damage drinking too much can have or even what constitutes “a drink”. 14 grams of pure alcohol is a standard drink: which is….
Alcohol abuse kills thousands in Britain every year
An influential committee of British MPs has criticized successive governments for allowing Britain to develop a drinking habit that is killing tens of thousands of people every year. “Over the last 60 years drinking habits have been transformed. In 1947 the nation consumed 3.5 liters of pure alcohol per head: The current figure is 9.5….
Good news, bad news about teen drinking
Aaron Holsinger said he doesn’t like telling his tragic tale, but he really has no choice. Holsinger, now 28, was convicted of negligent homicide after his girlfriend, Gina Erickson, died in a 2001 drunken-driving accident. He was driving the car. He spent six months in jail, will be on probation until he is 41 and….
Effects of Cognitive Therapy in Treatment Centers
Treatment centers focus much of the time that addicts spend in recovery on helping them to heal psychologically. Psychological counseling in treatment centers takes many forms but for most, it is this counseling that is most effective at helping individuals to really overcome addiction and make a full recovery. Cognitive therapy is one of the….