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Drug Treatment Center FAQs
Drug addiction…by the time you realize it’s really a problem it has already taken control! So, you’ve decided to seek help? Are you afraid of drug treatment because you don’t really know what it’s all about? It’s really not that drug treatment centers are scary, it’s the fear you have of not knowing what you….
Heavy drinkers seek out bargains
A study of heavy drinkers consuming hundreds of units of alcohol a week found they were buying cheaper drink than most other people. One study author said it was “likely” a minimum price for alcohol, as proposed by the Scottish government, would cut these problem drinkers’ consumption. A total of 377 people were interviewed as….
Older alcoholics ‘drink more’
Older alcoholics knock back far more than younger ones, and for those over 60 that means an average of 42.5 drinks every week, a US study released found today. The research, led by Linda Ginzer of Ohio State University and carried out in late November by the Gerontology Society of America, examined data from 43,000….
Stressed Diggers turning to alcohol on return from front line
ALCOHOL has become the treatment of choice for an unfortunate number of Australian troops left traumatised by their service in East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq. Taxpayers are now funding rehabilitation and sometimes compensation for their addiction, not to mention attempts to break it, as troops return from mostly dry operations to deal with their problems….
Young drinker backs teen alcohol campaign
Teenager Catherine Woollard will be legally allowed to drink for the first time this week – but, for her, the novelty of alcohol wore off years ago. Set to celebrate her 18th birthday tomorrow, she began drinking at the age of 12 following the sudden death of her grandmother. By the time she was 16,….