Residential Support Services Steps to Recovery
2809 Mary Street
Falls Church, VA 22042
(703) 205-0051
Who Answers?
2809 Mary Street
Falls Church, VA 22042
(703) 205-0051
According to an Australian researcher women recovering from alcoholism are in danger of relapsing between age 35 and 55 due to the increased pressure from family and work commitments. Ms Janice Withnall, who is three years into a PhD on the experiences of women who are recovering from alcohol dependency, says women are at a….
Excessive consumption of alcohol impairs normal reasoning and can lead to injury or even death. Ugandans love their drink. When you ask most, even ladies, how their perfect evening would be, the answer usually is, “At an outing having a drink.” A drink here doesn’t refer to one bottle of beer; what most of them….
Their first love might be the rum or vodka or gin and juice that is going around the bonfire. Or maybe the smoke, the potent marijuana that grows in the misted hills here like moss on a wet stone. But it hardly matters. Here as elsewhere in the country, some users start early, fall fast….
For parents who are looking for signs of teens drinking this back to school season, there is a reason for your concern, as the use of alcohol by underage individuals is, according to the NIAAA, “widespread.” “In 2009, about 10.4 million young people between the ages of 12 and 20 drank more than ‘just a….
At the Barrow Distribution Centre business is brisk, and so it should be as the only place for 200 miles (320 km) where you can get alcohol. Locals trot eagerly up the icy front steps, before emerging to struggle back down laden with cases of beer, bottles of spirits and boxes of red wine. There….
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