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Treatment & Detox Guide

It's all about drugs, say local authorities

Drugs are the common thread running through the most extreme crimes in the Poconos. According to court records, drugs permeated the life of Steven Santillo for years. Last week a motorist found Santillo shot dead at the intersection of Hypsie Gap and Laurel roads in Chestnuthill Township. State police have accused Fritz Gerald Dejoie, 21,….

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Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can be simply defined as a habitual and uncontrollable need for the intake of a liquid that is derived from a fermented fruit, grain or some other natural material. These liquids include wine, beer, rum, or any other hard liquor. The intake of alcohol is termed as addiction when an individual craves strongly….

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A Look at Opiate Overdose Treatment as the FDA Approves Naloxone

opiate addiction help

Opiate overdoses from heroin and prescription pain medications have reached epidemic proportions over the course of the last decade. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, opiate-induced overdose deaths have increased from 4,030 in 1999 to 16,651 in 2010. For over three decades, emergency responders have used naloxone as an opiate overdose treatment….

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Binge drinking affects later cognitive performance

Drinking College students who describe themselves as regular binge drinkers performed considerably worse on a test measuring attention and memory skills compared with students who didn’t binge. The test, by the way, was conducted while all the students were sober. The results suggest that binge drinking may affect the brain in ways that are normally….

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Proteins may point to alcohol use test

Measuring a set of protein changes in the blood linked to alcohol use may potentially lead to a more accurate diagnostic test than those currently available, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. “The challenge in alcohol abuse as opposed to substance abuse — things like cocaine or heroin or PCP — is that….

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