Rappahannock Area Community Serv Board Substance Abuse Services
600 Jackson Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 373-3223
Who Answers?
600 Jackson Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 373-3223
Most people who are seeking a drug rehab center and are fortunate enough to have health insurance want to know if it will by for the treatment. While there isn’t really a simple answer to this, there are some basic guidelines here that can help you understand the process a bit more and how it….
Despite the fact that more than 40 percent of college students are binge drinkers, do not let end-of-the-year stress drive you to hit the bottle instead of the books! Binge drinking is defined by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism as the consumption of large quantities of alcohol in about two hours, leading….
A new documentary looks at how people of different religions deal with the faith-based elements of Alcoholics Anonymous. Having been born in Akron, OH, the birthplace of Alcoholics Anonymous, filmmaker Josh Gippin was well acquainted with the organization. But it was only more recently, as he jumped into a documentary about AA entitled God As….
Enterhealth Introduces Advanced Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Treatment, Opens Life Recovery Center Enterhealth’s program includes continuous online support Dallas, Texas – A new, advanced approach to treating alcohol and drug addiction will become available next week to a nation- and world-wide clientele with the opening of the Enterhealth Life Recovery Center, located near Dallas…..
If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs and needs help, you should be prepared to present a series of questions when trying to choose between the variety of addiction treatment centers that are available. If you are looking for a drug rehabilitation hospital or outpatient drug rehabilitation program, or some less invasive….
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