Preferred Family Heathcare Inc AAFR
201 South Lincoln Street
Chanute, KS 66720
(620) 431-6616
Who Answers?
201 South Lincoln Street
Chanute, KS 66720
(620) 431-6616
A new Stony Brook University initiative to prevent the consequences of binge drinking has sparked nationwide interest from more than 100 colleges, universities and high schools that want to replicate the program on their campuses. “So many people who have been affected by the loss of a loved one or an acquaintance or a friend….
Police say alcohol-fuelled violence is on the decline in bars and on city streets after the province introduced new liquor rules to discourage binge drinking. Provincial legislation launched last August prohibits happy hour specials after 8p.m., requires bars and pubs to charge a minimum drink price and forbids patrons from having more than two drinks….
The scene is familiar to most people: a person stands up in the meeting and says, “Hi, my name is John and I’m an alcoholic.” “John” is in a good place. He’s where he can get help and support and the room is full of people like himself battling alcoholism. But there’s somebody else who….
Are you wondering why you should seek treatment? Maybe you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and still having some second thoughts or apprehensions about drug or alcohol treatment. If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and you need a list of reasons why you should go to addiction treatment, consider these top reasons:….
Until 2002, Kumar Dhakal, 51, of Surkhet was a respected journalist, a teacher and a responsible family man. In the five years that followed, that image was shattered as Dhakal made a descent into the abyss of alcohol abuse. He lost his job and was incapable of shouldering family responsibilities. “In those dark years, there….
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