A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Teens and alcohol

Alcopops. Ever hear of those? Not many people have heard of that term, but they are a drink that is growing in popularity among young people. Alcopop, broken down, is “alcohol” and “pop” (as in soda pop). They are sweet alcoholic beverages that often is fizzy and has had fruit juice added to them. One….

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Benefits of Private Prescription Drug Treatment

Private prescription drug treatment program

When you are addicted to prescription medications, private drug treatment can be the most beneficial option to assure your greatest chance of making a full recovery. Unlike traditional treatment centers that may be funded by insurance coverage or state policy, private prescription drug treatment programs are privately funded and this allows for ample resources, better….

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Homeless alcoholics can’t just quit

Managing alcohol addiction, including free drinks, has worked wonders — and shows why we must treat addictions equally Every day, in the shadow of Parliament Hill, 30 homeless alcoholics are fed, housed and served drinks, each hour on the hour, between early morning and evening. That this “managed alcohol” program run by Ottawa’s Inner City….

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A.A.’s ‘Big Book’ celebrates 70 years

Alcoholics Anonymous

Gail L.’s hands rest on the old red book on a table in front of her. The book, she tells you, saved her life and gave her ”a life worth saving.” It is ”God’s story of his love for the alcoholic,” she says. Seven decades ago this month, Alcoholics Anonymous, also called the Big Book,….

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Alcohol-free weekend raises awareness

Those who decide to give up alcohol this Easter weekend won’t necessarily be doing so because of holiday tradition. For those involved in the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, it will represent an effort to raise awareness of alcohol disease. The three-day challenge, always the first weekend of April, kicks off the 23rd….

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