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Legal drugs spark a boom in pill popping

MY “LEGAL ecstasy party pills” arrive in small, white medicine containers, complete with recommended dosage and a safety seal. “Herbal supplements,” reads the package, but these drugs promise far more – guaranteeing to “add extra kick to your partying” by meddling with the body and mind. It’s a drug high, but one that “will not….

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Binge drinking: Drink, drunk, dead

For some women, girl power means widening the crack in the glass ceiling by enrolling in engineering or some other predominantly male domain. For others, it’s drinking like a man — lots and frequently. Men still drink more often than women. But women are no shrinking violets when it comes to tossing back the booze,….

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Why is booze so bad for your liver?

Usually When bar staff refuse to serve a customer it’s not that newsworthy. But when 19-year-old Gareth entered a bar in Belfast and ordered an alcoholic drink it set the headlines chattering. Why? Because he had just come from a hospital across the road where had been diagnosed with liver failure, reportedly following a weekend….

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New Research on the "European" Approach to Teenage Drinking

Should parents allow their teenage children to drink alcohol? Restaurants in Germany can legally sell alcohol to a teenager after his sixteenth birthday, and French children drink wine with dinner in the home starting at an early age. But U.S. parents who try to follow this relaxed European example, believing it fosters a healthier attitude….

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Help Young Adults Manage Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has awarded Saint Louis University a grant to develop and test a new program to help older children and young adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The impetus of the program will be to improve transition into adulthood. The new program will focus on teaching important life skills,….

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