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Support Groups for Families of Addicts
It can be heartbreaking for a family to see a member suffering form drug or alcohol addiction. Many cannot understand how their loved one has turned to drugs or alcohol, and often feel guilty. It can be tremendously confusing, and extremely stressful for families to watch their loves one’s life being controlled by drugs or….
Physical Effects Of Alcohol
Alcoholism – one of the main reasons behind deadly road accidents, assaults and increasing cases of domestic violence – has been deteriorating the life of millions of people across the globe. Alcohol, when consumed, may relax you and give you the feeling of being less anxious, but you should not forget that it has direct….
The Tipping Point
A drink is always welcome, but just how much alcohol can the body handle in a lifetime? Thirty-five-year- old Anusha Sangwan would go out five nights a week and end up drinking anywhere between 2-3 cocktails per night. “We’d party a lot in college and having two drinks every night didn’t seem like a lot….
Do I Have an Alcohol Use Disorder
People who drink hazardous amounts of alcohol are at risk of becoming physically dependent, psychologically overwhelmed and essentially paralyzed by alcohol use disorder. The World Health Organization has developed a method of assessment and screening that helps to identify alcohol use disorder in heavy drinkers. This test, known widely as AUDIT or the Alcohol Use….
Alcohol Dangerous Mix
Increasingly young children and binge drinking are a difficult combination for parents to handle — but we can’t ignore it The dreaded birds-and-bees talk looks easy compared to this new rite of modern parenthood. Among issues parents are encouraged to talk to their teenage and pre-teen children about is how to identify a case of….