Whether addicted to drugs or alcohol, the physical and psychological effects of addiction can transform a normal everyday person into a shell of what he or she once was. Addictive substances are well known for their ability to alter brain function in such a way as to create a cycle of dependency that becomes all….
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Most people who are seeking a drug rehab center and are fortunate enough to have health insurance want to know if it will by for the treatment. While there isn’t really a simple answer to this, there are some basic guidelines here that can help you understand the process a bit more and how it….
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Licensed counselors and therapists work on both an individual and group basis with patients in drug treatment centers. Various types of therapy are offered to help the recovering addiction heal physically, socially, psychologically and emotionally from their addiction and from their past. Although not all types of therapy are effective for every addict and not….
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While Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has existed for more than 70 years, and is the most commonly sought source of help for alcohol-related problems in the United States, there is little “hard scientific evidence” showing that AA and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can improve substance-use outcomes. This study examined how helpful AA and NA may be for….
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Middle class women who regularly drink a bottle of wine at home with their partner are at ‘high risk’ of having a child with developmental problems, researchers said. In some cases women may damage their unborn child before they even realise they are pregnant, doctors said at a conference. Drinking during pregnancy can cause foetal….
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