North Central Healthcare Facilities
1100 Lakeview Drive
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 848-4600
Hotlines: (800) 799-0122
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1100 Lakeview Drive
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 848-4600
Hotlines: (800) 799-0122
INDIANAPOLIS — Hey dude, can we talk? Marijuana advocates who say pot is safer than alcohol want colleges to wade into a hazy debate over whether schools’ tough pot penalties are actually worsening their drinking woes. They argue that stiff punishments for being caught in a campus dorm with pot steer students to booze and….
Think of it as a breathalyzer you wear. SCRAM is a relatively new piece of technology, designed to keep people sober. The device is being shown this week to a Nashville audience. A DUI could be enough to scare a driver sober, but one small device will make one stay that way. “Literally, if you….
The majority of Australians say the nation has a drinking problem, new research reveals. Almost 80 per cent of adults think Australians drink too much and 85 per cent want to see more action to address excessive drinking, a Galaxy survey commissioned by the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation (AER) has found. The survey showed….
If you are wondering which type of drug treatment is going to be most beneficial at helping you overcome addiction, consider these benefits of inpatient drug treatment centers: Inpatient drug treatment centers provide around-the-clock medical supervision and support for the individual while in treatment. Unlike outpatient care that leads that addict to go home at….
Not eating before drinking alcohol is something young people have been doing for years but now there’s a slang term for it — drunkorexia. College campus health facilities are starting to take a closer look at the problem and how to curb the dangerous fad. “‘Oh I’m going to drink my dinner tonight,’ is a….
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