New Direction Treatment Services
1612 Chase Avenue
1st Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45223
(513) 541-7111
Hotline: (513) 541-7111
Who Answers?
1612 Chase Avenue
1st Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45223
(513) 541-7111
Hotline: (513) 541-7111
For those who don’t know or have never heard of Al-anon, it is a 12-step recovery program that is the counter-part to the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step recovery program. It was initiated by Lois Wilson (the wife of Bill Wilson; one of the original founders of Alcoholics Anonymous) as a safe haven and support group for….
Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California prides itself on providing the most successful alcohol rehab program in the industry. In fact, with an 85% success rate and a 1 year guarantee, alcoholics really can’t go wrong with Seasons Recovery Center. Taking a systemic approach to therapy and the treatment of alcohol addiction, Seasons Recovery Center….
A Report published into the drinking habits of secondary school children makes for disturbing reading. The NHS Information Centre asked 7,798 pupils, mostly aged from 11 to 15, how much they drank and where they got their alcohol. More than half, 52 per cent, said they had drunk an entire alcoholic drink. Most had got….
New Year’s Eve celebrations can be synonymous with alcohol-fueled excess, or at least a champagne toast. But for those struggling with alcoholism, it’s a high-risk situation. Bradford Health Services Addiction Treatment administrator Timothy Robinson and community representative Amanda Lewis suggest techniques for staying sober and socially comfortable at a party where alcohol is served. HOW….
Kathy vividly remembers the early morning of Oct. 14, 2006. Her husband Jack doesn’t remember a thing. That’s because it was the day their truck was hit head-on by a drunk driver. Along with their 4-year-old granddaughter, they were heading from their home in New Richmond to the family cabin near Superior. They had worked….
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