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Ankle Bracelet Monitors Alcohol Intake
Think of it as a breathalyzer you wear. SCRAM is a relatively new piece of technology, designed to keep people sober. The device is being shown this week to a Nashville audience. A DUI could be enough to scare a driver sober, but one small device will make one stay that way. “Literally, if you….
Keep alcohol intake under control
When most people think about the upcoming holidays, they think about friends, family, food and good cheer. But for many people, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are particularly difficult. Financial problems are tough to handle at any time, but they can seem overwhelming during this season of giving. Feelings of loneliness, isolation and….
Getting sober in the Jewish community
Like the term teetotaler, the notion that Jews can’t be alcoholics is a bit quaint. It’s also a myth that can be an obstacle on the often painful but ultimately exhilarating path to recovery. “I think it can make it more difficult,” says a Camden County businessman and Reform Jew who, at 51, has been….
Botellones, or binge-drinking parties, persist in Spain
The right of Spanish youths to party in the streets is in question. The “botellon” phenomenon, literally “big bottle,” attracts gatherings of youths to drink in parks and squares. People bring their own drinks: soda to mix with gin, vodka or whisky, and wine to make “calimocho,” a blend of coke and wine. Some botellones….
Time Lag in Vienna?
Programs that give drug addicts access to clean needles have been shown the world over to slow the spread of deadly diseases including H.I.V./AIDS and hepatitis. Public health experts were relieved when President Obama announced his support for ending a ban on federal funding for such programs. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama’s message seems not to have….