A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Heavy drinkers seek out bargains

A study of heavy drinkers consuming hundreds of units of alcohol a week found they were buying cheaper drink than most other people. One study author said it was “likely” a minimum price for alcohol, as proposed by the Scottish government, would cut these problem drinkers’ consumption. A total of 377 people were interviewed as….

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How an Addiction Treatment Program Can Help

An addiction treatment program may the best solution for you to overcome your addiction. Addiction treatment programs help to specifically target areas of addiction that you would have a hard time overcoming on your own. There are various ways in which treatment programs are effective and by exploring these options and researching different treatment programs….

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Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse: What are the Risks?

teenagers and drugs

There are many risks involved with underage drinking. Possibly the scariest is the lack of understanding about alcohol and what it does to the body. Underage drinkers have no concept of the damage drinking too much can have or even what constitutes “a drink”. 14 grams of pure alcohol is a standard drink: which is….

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Virtual world therapeautic for addicts: UH study shows

Patients in therapy to overcome addictions have a new arena to test their coping skills—the virtual world. A new study by University of Houston Associate Professor Patrick Bordnick found that a virtual reality (VR) environment can provide the climate necessary to spark an alcohol craving so that patients can practice how to say “no” in….

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'A culture of intoxication'

Nova Scotia still has a drinking problem. People in the province still drive drunk, still go on benders at bars, still drink underage and some drink while pregnant. To combat this, last August the provincial Department of Health Promotion and Protection launched a strategy called Changing the Culture of Alcohol Use in Nova Scotia. Almost….

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