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Treatment & Detox Guide
Alcohol craving reduced by drugs
Twin research projects have offered both present and future hope to people suffering from alcohol addiction. US researchers say that epilepsy drug topiramate boosts general health as well as cutting the craving for drink. A UK specialist said the potential side-effects of topiramate still merited caution. A separate project showed that a single injection of….
Detox is basically the short term used for detoxification. It means removing the toxic substances present in your body. Detox also refers to the withdrawal period when an individual’s body returns to homeostasis after using an addictive substance for a long period of time. This is one of the important functions of the kidneys, liver….
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure May Compromise Neurocognitive Development During Middle Childhood
Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have found that heavier intrauterine cocaine exposure (IUCE) is associated with mild compromise on selective areas of neurocognitive development during middle childhood. The BUSM study appears in the May issue of Neurotoxicology and Teratology. BUSM researchers evaluated whether the level of IUCE or the interaction between IUCE….
Setting Goals and Achieving Them in During Drug Treatment
A major portion of the therapy and counseling that is received in drug treatment programs is focused on setting achievable recovery goals and actually working towards achieving those goals. Unfortunately, addiction can make it difficult to achieve goals and likewise, setting unrealistic goals makes achieving the goals virtually impossible which leads to constant feelings of….
How can dual diagnosis be treated
A person with Dual diagnosis is affected with substance abuse and mental health disorder at the same time. Therefore, it is very important to find out the cause of substance abuse and mental health problem, individually in these people and to study and then draft out a proper method for the diagnosis of this dual….