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Medical-marijuana use can block chance at transplant
Timothy Garon’s face and arms are hauntingly skeletal, but the fluid building up in his abdomen makes the 56-year-old musician look eight months pregnant. His liver, ravaged by hepatitis C, is failing. Without a new one, his doctors tell him, he will be dead in days. But Garon has been refused a spot on the….
Different therapies for treating children with ADHD
Several intervention approaches need to be practiced while treating ADHD in children. Apart form medication; there are different therapies for treating children with ADHD, which can be practiced for complete curing. The other therapies involve psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, social skills training and parenting skills training. The psychotherapy helps the people or children with ADHD to….
Diagnosing ADHD in an adult
Today, the psychiatrists are facing the problem of diagnosing ADHD that is the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in adults. Many times, it does happen that the ADHD problem remains unnoticed and not treated in adults as this disorder is considered to be affecting mainly small children and therefore, it mainly focuses on the children. An….
Alcohol abuse
Alcohol is daily consumed all over the globe. Alcohol is a drink which has the power to make psychoactive changes in the brain of the human body. Alcohol, when consumed regularly and in large quantities is sure to affect the physical well being of the person. People tend to be alcohol addicted because they enjoy….
Allowing children to drink occasionally may prevent problems later, says study
Parents who allow school-age children to drink occasionally may be protecting them from alcohol damage, violence and sexual danger, a health study published today suggests. The survey of almost 10,000 15- to 16-year-olds’ drinking patterns in north-west England by researchers at the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University found that enforcing abstinence….