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Why Obama Isn’t Funding Needle Exchange Programs
Buried on page 795 of President Obama’s budget, released last Thursday, is a paragraph banning the federal funding of needle-exchange programs for drug addicts — an apparent about-face on his campaign promise to overturn that longstanding ban. To the further consternation of AIDS and addiction activists, a statement of support for needle exchange was recently….
Seasons Recovery Center Malibu Alcohol Rehab with the Highest Success Rate in the Industry
Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California prides itself on providing the most successful alcohol rehab program in the industry. In fact, with an 85% success rate and a 1 year guarantee, alcoholics really can’t go wrong with Seasons Recovery Center. Taking a systemic approach to therapy and the treatment of alcohol addiction, Seasons Recovery Center….
Campaign aims to steer kids off booze
Thousands of children are being admitted to the region’s hospitals with alcohol-related illnesses. Statistics show more than 3,000 under-18s end up in hospital in North East England each year due to excessive drinking, 149 of those in South Tyneside hospitals. The Department for Children, Schools and Families launched an advertising campaign to get parents to….
Your ADHD child and school
ADHD is a mental disorder, which largely affects the small children. Children with ADHD tend to be very impulsive, hyperactive and are not able to concentrate well on their work. Therefore, Children with ADHD show poor performance at school, which can hamper their academic performance. Usually small kids do behave in similar pattern as that….
When is the cost of drinking alcohol too high?
Whether you live in Britain, Canada, the U.S. or one of many other countries around the world, alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of preventable death. When people think about alcohol problems, the image of someone with severe drinking problems usually comes to mind. However, one of the interesting facts about alcohol is….