Harrisonburg/Rockingham Community Services Board
1241 North Main Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
(540) 434-1941
Who Answers?
1241 North Main Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
(540) 434-1941
Narcotic anonymous is a “non profit fellowship”. This organization can be said to be a society of all the men and women who are or were addicted to drugs. These people meet regularly and carry out different programs to help the addicted recover from their addiction. The only criteria for earning the membership of this….
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that more young people today are dying from alcohol-related accidents. Among 18 to 24 year olds, the number of deaths has risen by over 20 percent in the last ten years. “I woke up in the driver’s side seat, blood all over me, glass everywhere. The….
A SuperJob.ru survey says most Russians believe alcohol abuse is their most negative character trait(!). 22% of 1800 respondents believe it is so, while 20% claim Russians’ curse is their laziness. Boozing has become something of a national character trait in Russia. Although statistics shows that alcohol consumption has been annually reducing in Russia, stories….
University of Texas-Pan American freshmen Iliana Cantu and Baldomero Perez giggled while taking a survey about alcohol use. The 18-year-olds said they don’t really drink and prefer to focus on their studies. “We’re geeks,” Perez joked. But they said they have friends attending schools beyond the Rio Grande Valley where binge drinking and heavy partying….
Starting at Age 15 Increases Risk Six Times over Waiting Until 21 State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) Commissioner Karen M. Carpenter-Palumbo today recognized Alcohol Awareness Month calling on parents to help prevent underage drinking by learning the facts about alcohol and how they can take action to stop the early onset….
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