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Impulsivity Linked to Cocaine Addiction

Call it the chicken-and-egg debate of the addiction world: Cocaine addicts are known for being frenetic, but which came first, the behavior or the habit? New research indicates that, at least in rats, it’s the behavior that begets addiction. What’s more, the study has pinpointed the character trait–impulsiveness–that is responsible for developing true drug dependence…..

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Benefits clampdown on heroin and crack users

Nearly 267,000 heroin and crack users are on benefits and will be required to own up to their drug problems and take treatment – or lose their money, James Purnell the work and pensions secretary, will say today. He will also announce measures that may take as many as 200,000 families out of child poverty…..

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Underage drinking remains a serious problem

Underage drinking is a serious problem — and getting worse When police are called to a party or other event where minors are in possession of or have consumed alcoholic beverages, enforcement action is sometimes met with scorn or ridicule – not by the underage drinkers, but by a small minority of parents or guardians…..

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Fears over alcohol test for mothers

Screening breast milk could increase women’s drinking and harm their babies, say doctors Opinions differ among doctors on what are safe levels of alcohol for a breastfeeding mother. A product that tests for traces of alcohol in breast milk has triggered warnings that mothers who rely on its findings could damage the health of babies….

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Book Explores World of High-Functioning Alcoholics

A new book provides insights into the lives of so-called “high-functioning alcoholics” and the special challenges faced by those who need treatment but lack the impetus of hitting rock-bottom, the New York Times reported May 4.Sarah Allen Benton, author of “Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic,” offers herself as an example: she holds a Master’s degree from….

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