A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

What to Look for in Residential Treatment Centers

Choosing to get help for your addiction is a difficult decision as it is and to make things even more difficult you are faced with having to decide which type of treatment will be best for you. For most addicts, residential treatment centers provide the most significant care and the best chance for a full….

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How group gave me strength to live with my alcoholic husband

alcoholic husband problems

She spent 30 years “wheedling, cajoling, arguing, fighting, threatening and blackmailing” her alcoholic husband. But it was only after attending a local Al-Anon Family Group, for the family and friends of alcoholics, that Mary* realised no one could stop her husband drinking except her husband himself. Mary, a former nurse in her 60s, and her….

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Alcohol Addiction and Mothering

A friend of mine who is an accomplished psychologist and mother of two recently confessed something to me: she likes wine, a lot. After working all day with troubled adolescents, picking her girls up from school and making a dinner that loosely resembles a healthy meal, she drinks. Her daily consumption included one glass of….

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Choosing Between Arizona Treatment Centers for a Loved One

Helping a loved one find needed drug treatment can make a life-changing difference in the life of your loved one. Compared to other states, Arizona carried a higher than average rate for drug-related fatalities in 2008, according to the Arizona Drug Control Update. Arizona also ranks highest in the number of people who reported using….

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Hells Angel Finds God at the Bottom of Bottle of Booze

Former Hells Angel Richie Kane, 52, says he found God after bottoming out on alcohol and now has a second chance at life. For most of his years, Richie Kane struggled through a living hell of physical and sexual abuse, alcoholism and membership in one of the most notorious gangs in the country. But now….

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