A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Time for Drug Treatment to Rattle Its Saber

In an effort to recast substance abuse as more of a public health problem than a crime, the nation’s newly appointed drug czar has called for an end to talk of a “war on drugs.” “Regardless of how you try to explain to people it’s a ‘war on drugs’ or a ‘war on a product,’….

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Nation o' Drinkers: Scotland Tries to Curb Alcohol Abuse

There’s little affection in a “Glasgow kiss”. Typically preceded by some variation on the growled question “Whit ya [expletive deleted] lookin’ at?” the term refers to a vicious headbutt, as delivered all too often in the bars and on the streets of Scotland’s largest city. Alcohol-fueled violence and binge drinking are endemic across Britain, but….

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Friends, family feel alcoholism affects

You don’t have to drink to suffer from alcoholism, according to Al-Anon, a self-help recovery program founded in 1951 for families and close friends of alcoholics. Those closest to an alcoholic are deeply affected by the disease of alcoholism — emotionally, spiritually and physically. Although the root of their problem is not always easy to….

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Teenager with ADHD

ADHD mostly affects small children. However, many times it does happen that children with ADHD do suffer from this disorder even in their teenage. Therefore, though children suffering from ADHD successfully navigate from school years if properly treated, the child with ADHD, when enters his teenage needs to be again re-evaluated for this disorder. And….

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Remembering The Good Times Helps Alcoholics Stay Sober

Recovering alcoholics who focus on positive experiences in their past may be more successful in managing their addiction. This is the finding of a study by Sarah Davies and Professor Gail Kinman of the University of Bedfordshire that was presented on the 16th April 2010, at the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. A….

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