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Treatment & Detox Guide
Drunkorexia: Drinking And Not Eating
Not eating before drinking alcohol is something young people have been doing for years but now there’s a slang term for it — drunkorexia. College campus health facilities are starting to take a closer look at the problem and how to curb the dangerous fad. “‘Oh I’m going to drink my dinner tonight,’ is a….
Rescuing The Alcoholic/Addict: 14 Reasons Why It’s Hard To Break The Cycle
I was terribly confused about the meaning of ‘compassion’ when I came to Al-Anon. I thought it meant making excuses for the alcoholic or covering bad checks. Al-Anon helped me to find another word for this behavior: ‘enabling.’ I learned that when I cleaned up the consequences of alcoholic behavior, I enabled the alcoholic to….
Alcohol intervention group looks to change party culture
After taking a writing course on public health and seeing the dangers of alcohol firsthand, senior microbiology major Jonathan Higgins decided the college “party culture” needed to be changed. That’s when he learned of a program that aimed to change culture and educate people about the dangers of alcohol consumption. Student Emergency Medical Services began….
Dangers of binge drinking
Binge drinking is often associated with many health risks including sexually transmitted diseases and alcohol poisoning. While it’s been proven that drinking alcohol in moderation can be good for your health, that is not the case when it comes to binge drinking. FACC Cardiologist Dr. Lynn Einbinder says binge drinking is usually defined as having….
Boozing Blunts Ability to Read Faces
Heavy drinking can affect the ability to recognize other people’s facial emotions, a new study has found. Researchers used functional MRI to monitor brain activity in 15 abstinent long-term alcoholics while they looked at images of faces with positive or negative emotional expressions. The brain scans revealed decreased activation in the amygdala and hippocampus, regions….