Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Wassaja Family Services
16240 North Fort McDowell Road
Fort McDowell, AZ 85264
(480) 789-7990
Who Answers?
16240 North Fort McDowell Road
Fort McDowell, AZ 85264
(480) 789-7990
ALCOHOL has become the treatment of choice for an unfortunate number of Australian troops left traumatised by their service in East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq. Taxpayers are now funding rehabilitation and sometimes compensation for their addiction, not to mention attempts to break it, as troops return from mostly dry operations to deal with their problems….
Alcoholic liver disease, also called alcoholic hepatitis, refers to a range of conditions and related symptoms that develop when the liver becomes damaged due to excessive intake of alcohol. While distinct from cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis is regarded as the earliest stage of alcoholic liver disease. Alcohol has long been associated with serious liver diseases such….
Starting at Age 15 Increases Risk Six Times over Waiting Until 21 State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) Commissioner Karen M. Carpenter-Palumbo today recognized Alcohol Awareness Month calling on parents to help prevent underage drinking by learning the facts about alcohol and how they can take action to stop the early onset….
Nearly one in eight binge drinkers say they get behind the wheel and drive within two hours of drinking, U.S. government researchers report. The new research adds a timeline and other new information to what’s known about drinking and driving, said study author Dr. Timothy Naimi, a physician with the alcohol team at the U.S…..
It’s not uncommon for someone to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a traumatic event in their life and what’s even more common is a subsequent addiction occurring as a result of a desire to self-medicate to overcome this condition. Is PTSD causing your addiction? Many people suffer great tragedy that causes….
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