Family Counseling Center Inc Ava Site
504 NW 12th Avenue
Inside Police Station
Ava, MO 65608
(417) 683-3296
Intake: (417) 256-2570
Who Answers?
504 NW 12th Avenue
Inside Police Station
Ava, MO 65608
(417) 683-3296
Intake: (417) 256-2570
What is an Intervention? An intervention is typically seen when family and friends get together with a loved one who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction and is not getting help, or is in denial of their addiction. The basic goal of an intervention is to help the struggling addict understand the effects….
The language that drinkers typically use to describe alcohol’s effects on them are quite different from the language used by alcohol researchers, no doubt limiting researchers’ understanding of self-reported alcohol use. New findings show that researchers could do well to tap into a wide spectrum of terms used by drinkers to describe their levels of….
A new documentary looks at how people of different religions deal with the faith-based elements of Alcoholics Anonymous. Having been born in Akron, OH, the birthplace of Alcoholics Anonymous, filmmaker Josh Gippin was well acquainted with the organization. But it was only more recently, as he jumped into a documentary about AA entitled God As….
Alcohol was involved in nearly two thirds of self harm cases which were recorded as part of a pilot programme in the Western Health Trust area. The “Registry of Deliberate Self Harm” recorded almost 2,700 incidents between January 2007 and December 2008. The A&E units of Altnagelvin, Tyrone County and Erne Hospitals took part. The….
Have you ever wondered what will happen if you don’t get help for a drug addiction? What is the true cost of not going into drug treatment when you suffer from addiction? Unfortunately, the cost of NOT going into drug treatment is significantly higher than the cost of getting help when you need it. While….
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