A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Who does what in a cancer treatment program?

Cancer treatments are very complicated. Every treatment largely depends on the type of cancer and its stage and its side effects on the patient. There are various stages involved in the treatment process and therefore there are various professionals and specialists helping the patient, in the treatment process. Given below are some information on who….

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Researchers Pinpoint How Smoking Causes Cancer

Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute researchers have pinpointed the protein that can lead to genetic changes that cause lung cancer. Researchers discovered that the production of a protein called FANCD2 is slowed when lung cells are exposed to cigarette smoke. Low levels of FANCD2 leads to DNA damage, triggering cancer. Cigarette smoke curbs….

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Getting drunk drivers off roads a costly, complex problem

Mark says he is learning how to “live life on life’s terms.” After two drunken driving convictions and two marijuana possession convictions, the 34-year-old father of four is learning that it is time to grow up and make better choices. He’s learning how in an intensive DWI/Drug Court under the close supervision of McLennan County….

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Signs of Depression to Look Out For

Depression can actually impair an individual’s overall ability to function in their day to day lives, and can result in that individual feeling as if taking their life is the only way to escape the emotions of despair that are experienced. Depression is an issue that affects millions of individuals around the world. This is….

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Drug treatment centers

The drug treatment centers aim at providing rehabilitation services to those people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs and those suffering from dual diagnosis. These facilities offer curative treatments for alcoholism, drug addiction and dual diagnosis. They are well equipped to help addicts rediscover their inner strength, support them and help them live a fairly….

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